Success Story
In Rumah Kids (2005-2014)
Current Position: Customer Service Specialist
Shaklee Malaysia
Hi everyone! My name is Hibby. The nickname given during my stay in Rumah Kids. I came into Rumah KIDS when I was 13 years old after my mom passed away due to Cervical cancer. My father could not care for me as he was very sick during that time. Luckily, I was sent to Rumah KIDS by my stepsister who attends Grace Assembly.
A year after that, my dad passed away. I was the only Chinese girl staying in Rumah KIDS with all my Indian brothers and sisters. To be honest, now when I think back the life when I was with Rumah KIDS, I felt that I am truly blessed by them. I even got the chance to study in the Chung Hua Chinese High School. After I graduated from high school, I was sponsored to study for Beautician Course, and I graduated after 6 months when I was 22 years old. After that, I decided to move out from Rumah KIDS and stood up on my own rental a small room at Subang Jaya and found a beautician job worked there for almost a year.
After that, I decided to change my job as a beauty consultant for almost 3 years, and then I decided to think outside the box and tried to work as a Customer Service Specialist until now 7 years at Shaklee Malaysia. I am very grateful to Rumah KIDS for caring for me for ten years.
During that ten years, they had taught me many things in life. Sometimes when I was feeling down in my life, I will always think back on the words they had taught me " Always believe in God, everything happened for a reason." And I kept it in my heart. I am very proud that I have Indian family members in Rumah KIDS. Thank you Rumah KIDS for all the blessings and love that you have given to me.
Ms. Sarah Anbu
Rumah Kids (1998-1999)
Current Position: Head of Primary
Pine Hill International School
Warm greetings to everyone who would be reading my testimony. Before I testify, please do not feel sad or sorry for me rather I pray that you would see what Christ has done in my life and hopefully you would come to know HIM too.
My name is Sarah Anbu. My biological mom had me when she was just a teenager. Since she was just a teenager at that time she could not work and raise me up. So, she sent me to Rumah Kids when I was 3 1⁄2 years old. There at Rumah Kids I was given proper meals, clothes, education, and care that I needed. Besides that, spiritually I was also fed the Word of God by the house parents.
Then at the age of 4 1⁄2 years old, Brother Anbu who is the Home- Coordinator of Rumah Kids he and his wife fostered me into their home and family. From then on, I have been staying with them till present.
Here I also was constantly taught the word of God, given good education and a home and family to belong in. Additionally, on special occasions I do visit my biological mother and siblings.
During my secondary education at Grace Resource Centre Klang, I was sponsored by Rev. Henry Pillai then the Chairman of Rumah Kids. Rev Henry also sponsored my tertiary studies until I was able to work and support my own studies.
Now I am 26 and working as an international school teacher at Pine Hills International School. I teach the primary students and by God’s favor been given the position of the Head of Primary Teacher. I am still pursuing my bachelor’s in theology at Alpha Omega International College. I worship at Grace Assembly Klang and am involved in the worship and children’s ministry.
I thank God although the start of my childhood was not necessarily the best, but God put me in Rumah Kids and from there fostered and given a home and family. This is truly God in my life, and I thank God for bringing Rumah Kids, Rev Henry, and my foster parents in my life to shape and mold me to who I have become today. Above all Jesus is the one orchestrating everything beautifully in my life and continues to help me walk in HIS purpose and for that I am eternally grateful to HIM!
Ms. Megala Thevi aka Nancy
Rumah Kids (2004-2013)
Current Position: Auxillary Police
Singapore Girls Home
Hi everyone, I’m Megala Thevi, also known as Nancy. I was sent to Rumah KIDS in 2004 at the age of seven when my family suffered a breakup. I was cared for by the house parents in Klang for nine years till I turned 16. My sister forced me to leave Rumah KIDS when my mum passed away.
I started working from the age of 17. I did various jobs among them dental assistant and later as retail assistant. I finally landed my first proper job when I was employed by Price Water House Coopers (PWC) as a Chief Assistant in the audit division. This job lasted four years after which I was laid off.
After being jobless and desperate for four months I decided to move to JB. In November 2018 I came to Singapore alone and afraid, to attend my first job interview. I had so much fear as I went for the interview and kept thinking of what my careers taught me in Rumah KIDS which is “Put God first in whatever you do”. This is a principle that I follow till today. If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain and cuffs.
I am so grateful that I got a breakthrough as I was hired by Certis Cisco as an Auxiliary Police in Singapore. I was deployed to the Singapore Girls Home – a home for troubled girls from broken families, addicted to drugs and who are classified as Beyond Parents Control. I meet so many girls with mental health issues here.
Looking back, I am so grateful for the upbringing that I had in a large family of boys and girls in Rumah KIDS. This taught me how to socialize and how to deal with issues. The many uncles and aunties who came into my life at Rumah KIDS taught me how to face the challenges of life.
Now that I have come out to work in the real world, the thing I have learned is that we must have the guts and bravery to meet every challenging moment in life. I want to end my story by thanking Rumah KIDS for caring for me when I had no one to turn to.
Ms. Abigail Guganesvary
Rumah Kids : 2002-2007
Current Position: Staff Nurse, Manipal Hospital Klang
Hi friends. I'm Abigail @ Guganesvary.
I was sent to Rumah KIDS when I was 13 years old
after my parents split. I was taught so much in my six years in Rumah KIDS; to grow up to be brave and honest. Rumah Kids staff motivated me to succeed in my life. They taught me to be a moral and godly person.
I studied in S.M.K Telok Gadong Klang where I finished my SPM. I also met my life partner there. After high school I stood on my own,
rented a small room and worked as a clinic nurse for 21/2 years.
I am very grateful to my husband Dharma Raj and Dr. John Benjamin who encouraged me to study further. Today I am a staff nurse with Manipal Hospital Klang. I am happily married and expecting twins
If not for Rumah KIDS my life would have been miserable. When I’m down, I recall the words they had taught me " Always believe in God, Everything happened for a reason." And I still kept it my heart. I am very proud that I have a beautiful family in Rumah KIDS. My stay in Rumah KIDS taught me to be a good parent to my future children. Thank you Rumah KIDS.